In last months New Synergist Insights I described one area of diversity referred to as millennials. This demographic along with technological changes is already changing the way we work. In this month’s Insights I will discuss the some of the aspects that can make your organization one of the Best Places to Work.
Fortune Magazine, Great Places to Work, and Glassdoor (among others) have provided an annual report of the Best Places to Work for as long as 18 years. The non-profit Partnership for Public Services has provided a Best Places to Work in the federal government since 2003. These reports are a great resource for companies and job seekers alike.
These reports typically rely on employee surveys that measure employee satisfaction and their perceptions of their workplaces. Categories include the effectiveness of leadership, and supervisory communication and competence, perceptions of training and development, innovation, teamwork, and diversity. Job seekers use these rankings to support job choices that most closely match their needs. Private and public sector organizations can use the information to make strategic changes in order to be more competitive.
For instance, if a firm that believes it needs to be innovative in order to better compete in the marketplace might focus on methods to improve low scores in innovation or empowerment. If high turnover is an issue, these types of reports can support strategies that can reduce turnover. The firms that provide these reports as well as other firms are also prepared to provide the support needed to address any reported deficiencies.
Even organizations with top scores can utilize the reports to address changes that have declined from the previous years report. Of course top scores are great marketing tools that can be used to increase sales as well as supporting recruitment efforts.
According to the methodology used by the Partnership for Public Service, the primary methodology used is employee satisfaction and commitment. It should not be difficult to imagine the power of employees who are both satisfied and committed.
Multiple studies have concluded that there are direct and quantifiable links between employee variables (including satisfaction, loyalty, commitment), and positive performance and financial results. Contact me if you want to know how your organization can become a “Best Place to Work”!
In next months Insights I will focus my discussion on Business Coaching. This is tool that can support your efforts to improve performance and increase profits.