Organizational Synergy Assessment

The Organizational Synergy Assessment (OSA) is a powerful tool that can help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your organization’s strategic planning processes. A thorough assessment will highlight current or potential issues that are critical to address in...

Business Coaching

In last months New Synergist Insights I discussed the “Best Places to Work”. These types of ratings can help organizations create a strategic roadmap for future success. Utilizing a Business or Executive Coach may also provide tools supporting strategies that can...

The Best Places To Work

In last months New Synergist Insights I described one area of diversity referred to as millennials. This demographic along with technological changes is already changing the way we work. In this month’s Insights I will discuss the some of the aspects that can make...

Managing Millennials

In last months New Synergist Insights I described some diversity myths that may be derailing diversity programs. One area of diversity I did not spend much time on is age, specifically millennials. The group referred to as millennials were born between the mid 1980s...

Debunking Diversity Myths

Happy New Year! In last months New Synergist Insights I talked about the power of organizational diversity. One myth that I hope was dispelled in last month’s Insights is the concern that organizational diversity is a problem. Organizational diversity is an...

The Power of Organizational Diversity

Sometimes it seems as if everything is changing. Demographics and technology changes are impacting almost all aspects of our lives. Even the largest and most powerful companies and governments have to change to become or remain competitive. Leaders have to...